Kelly J. Kelly

Shift happened @thelogosmethod. I tapped into clarity of my own divinity and perfection and that anything besides that is mind and personality projection of falsehoods. Really powerful. A mixture of laughter and tears and so much relief. Thank you for creating new knowlege and conjuring community. We all need this. SF needs this. The world needs this. Please keep me posted of your future workshops. Sending much much love to you with a bowed heart and head. This is a beautiful work.

Harry Breaux

Recently I was able to participate in The Logos Method workshop. I’ve known Cheryl for many years and have watched her progress through many caring and loving disciplines. What she offers now is vibrant and seems to be a culmination of all of them. Breath work is not new, but creating the space, comfort and security to be able to explore with a feeling of complete support is not always what we find. Cheryl brings her heart to this work, and it makes all the difference. Breathing and integrating with sacred sounds is a vortex of healing and I thank her for bringing them together. Do it. You’ll find it worthwhile.

Gloria Macijewski

I have come in and out of conscious relationship with my breath throughout my life, often forgetting how powerful it can be as a healing tool. During my Logos session with Cheryl, all of that innate knowledge resurfaced as I worked to bring healing throughout my body with my breath. I felt lighter and so much more grounded after the work.

Cheryl's use of music and the crystal bowls really helped hit the "sweet spot" for me on a cellular level. Thank you for reminding me that the power to heal my mind and body are within the simple movement of focusing on my breath.